Examples of technology transfer

Technologies KIT contact Industry
Superconducting undulators (1) A. GrauS. Grohmann Bilfinger Nuclear & Energy Transition GmbH
High-precision microstructures (2) Contact microworks GmbH
Photonics (3) Ch. Koos Spin-off companies

(1) Citation from Bilfinger's web page: "Superconducing undulators revolutionize the insertion devices market. Years of reliable operation confirm that they are the most powerful light source for any experiment.".
(2) For example: LIGA technology and X-ray components.
(3) For example: Ultra-wideband electro-optical modulators (hundreds of GHz)

KIT Develops Coveted Undulators

Research institutions worldwide use synchrotron technologies developed by KIT with industrial partner Bilfinger

Superconducting Undulator

Synchrotron radiation is generated by superconducting undulators, which have been developed at KIT since the early 1990s (Photo: Andreas W. Grau, KIT).

Whether for the construction of tiny components in materials research or for the investigation of smallest structures, such as viruses in medicine - synchrotron radiation is versatile. The strongly focused electromagnetic radiation is generated with the help of superconducting undulators. These are elaborately designed magnetic structures that have been developed at KIT since the early 1990s. Together with the industrial partner Bilfinger Noell, two systems were built and installed at the Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA). In 2017, the further developed undulator SCU20 went into operation at KIT.

A global success story

"This was a milestone for synchrotron research. Since then, our undulators have been working very reliably and trouble-free, delivering brilliant radiation for KIT research," says Anke-Susanne Müller, director of KIT's Institute for Beam Physics and Technology (IBPT). Since 2022, the technology of KIT and Bilfinger Noell will also be used at the “National Synchrotron Light Source II” at Brookhaven National Laboratory in the USA and at “The Australian Synchrotron”. The European XFEL, an X-ray free-electron laser research facility in Hamburg, has also ordered magnet systems from Bilfinger Noell. "The worldwide demand for the special magnets confirms the successful cooperation of KIT with Bilfinger Noell in the field of superconducting undulators," Müller said.

Source: mhe, 14.04.2023, link.