About ATP

ATP logo

The Accelerator Technology Platform (ATP) was conceived in the 2010s by Prof. Dr. Anke-Susanne Müller. With the circular letter (in German: Rundschreiben Nr. 41/2015, December 8th, 2015) the Executive Board of KIT announced the foundation of the Institut für Beschleunigerphysik und Technologie (IBPT) under the directorship of A.-S. Müller on January 1st, 2016 (literal translation: Institute for Accelerator Physics and Technology; institute's chosen name in English: Institute for Beam Physics and Technology). According to the circular, IBPT's objective was to establish a technology platform for the development and testing of new beam source technologies and to bundle research into new accelerator technologies and the development of new detectors (in German: Das IBPT soll eine Technologieplattform für die Entwicklung und Erprobung neuer Strahlquellentechnologien etablieren sowie die Erforschung neuer Beschleunigertechnologien und die Entwicklung neuer Detektoren bündeln). The ATP logo was approved by KIT SEK (now KIT STS) on October 1st, 2018. Since then, several KIT institutes and KIT infrastructures are members of the ATP with its nucleus of accelerator test facilities KARA and FLUTE, established joint projects and promoted technology transfer.