Accelerator Technology Platform @ KIT
The ATP is your single point of contact (SPOC) for accelerator-related technologies at KIT.
KIT researches and develops novel, innovative, cutting-edge technology in many disciplines and institutes for today's and future accelerators. ATP combines accelerator-relevant infrastructures: Karlsruhe Research Accelerator (KARA), KIT short-pulse linac test facility and THz source (FLUTE), Magnet and Cryogenics Facilities (MCF), and laboratories, technologies and research in a unique way, taking advantage of the wide-spread expertise of KIT institutes.
Access to KIT-based accelerators via IBPT is augmented by European transnational access via EURO-LABS (EUROpean Laboratories for Accelerator Based Sciences), and by European technology infrastructures such as AMICI (Accelerator and Magnetic Infrastructure for Cooperation and Innovation).
ATP provides a central access-point for large-scale accelerator projects to KIT-based accelerators KARA, FLUTE and Know-How located at KIT institutes. Look up the members here
Selection of technologies and methods within ATP at KIT